

EvilP 更新于 2014-03-15 13:57



Because theocrats tend not to wield many offensive powers, it is tempting to believe that territories ruled by theocrats are easy to conquer. History has proven this to be foolishness. Theocrats lead the masses by the heart. They heal, persuade, minister and convert. Their zealots are fiercely loyal, convinced to the core that any action they perform will earn them a greater reward in the afterlife.


部队和技能一窥 - Unit & Skill samples

Below you will find several examples of units and skills that are exclusive to the Theocrat.


殉道者 - Martyr

I knew nothing of fighting. He put aged hands upon my head and spoke comfortingly of the Allfather. The enemy hit us with everything they had. I was strong, though many times I thought it was my last breath. The severing blow to my shoulder did not wound me. Then it was done and I rejoiced. I ran to find him who blessed me. To my horror, I saw him smiling: his arm severed. He died for me. That is why I now die for you, I am a martyr. —— Prayer of Martyrs Author Unknown


惩戒神龛 - Shrine of Smiting

Our prophet led us to a new land, that we might worship Anon in peaceful solitude. But heathens envied our wealth and conspired to steal it. The prophet unveiled the Shrine of Smiting. We prayed and were filled with power. Wherever the Shrine went, the powers of heaven blasted the heathen hordes. The more devout that gathered to pray, the stronger the power of Anon was made manifest. Anon rejoices when we purge our lands of unbelievers. —— Anon`s Call by Grant Akern, Believer.

我们在预言的指引下来到新的土地,在孤独的静谧中供奉Anon。但异教徒觊觎我们的财富并密谋窃为己有。预言揭开了惩戒神龛的面纱。我们祈祷,获得力量。只要有神龛的地方,圣力就会把异教徒炸的四散而逃。祈祷人越虔诚,Anon显现出的圣力就愈发强大。当我们把无信者逐出我们的土地时,Anon也随之欢呼。——《Anon的召唤》--信徒Grant Akern

传教士 - Evangelist

The Prophet never came to our town, and we stayed neutral in most matters of politics and battles. Then one day, a man in robes came with holy scrolls and symbols on his staff. He spoke about a Necromancer`s horde coming to kill us all. He converted us all to the cause. Eager to assist the Prophet`s Evangelist we readied for war. A simple touch on our forehead and the Evangelist empowered us to fight. —— Driving Away Death by Goody Shiela, Butcher`s Wife


迁华之灵 - Exalted

We prayed as the undead lumbered toward us. We believed, if we prayed, help would come. Then we saw them, the Exalted, flying overhead. They unsheathed their swords and like lightning swooped to attack. We fought with joy, seeing these winged heralds. Then one took a mortal blow and my hope faltered. There was a flash. The Exalted rose into the air, returning to battle. Our Beloved Prophet gifted them with life after death. —— "Exalted and Faithful" by Daveen Sontag, Crusader

当一群亡灵跌跌撞撞地向我们逼近,我们默默祈祷。我们坚信,只要足够虔诚,救赎终会来到。于是它们出现了,迁华之灵,从我们头上掠过。利剑出鞘,如闪电一般投入战斗。看到这些带翼的信使,我们振奋向前。此刻一个迁华之灵遭受了致命一击,我的信念不禁动摇。一道亮光闪过,它升迁入空,重返战场。我们那慈爱的先知赐予了他们死亡后的生命。——《升华与信念》 作者--十字军Daveen Sontag

大勇若怯 - Mighty Meek

Target friendly unit gains bonus strength for each tier level difference when attacking or defending against a higher tier unit.


怫然相向 - Instant Wrath

Deals half of all damage dealt against target friendly unit back to its attacker until end of combat.


异教徒印记 - Mark of the Heretic

Marks the units in target enemy army as Heretics for a few turns. Devout units deal an additional 3 damage against Heretics.


异端剿灭 - The Great Purge

Channels divine power to cleanse the land of all supernatural beings. The caster`s Infantry and Cavalry units gain Dragon Slayer, Fey Slayer, Giant Slayer, Monster Slayer, Summon Slayer, and Undead Slayer.


末日审判 - Armageddon

Foretells the end of the world. The caster`s entire Empire ignores negative morale modifiers and its units gain Strong Will. The caster`s enemies suffer 80% Weakness and cannot regenerate health anymore.


Edwin_Yang 回复于 2014-03-17 10:42:
 兵种技能说明看起来太偏激了, 好像宗教狂一样。。。
 有点那种“不信奉我就灭了你” 的味道。。。
弗拉基喵尔 回复于 2014-03-17 07:14:
cmwang 发表于 2014-3-16 20:39

cmwang 回复于 2014-03-16 20:39:
yzy052010 回复于 2014-03-15 18:50:
官网上还有一个revealed soon~这个月真的有希望么~
