国器/王朝武器(Dynasty Weapon)

录入:EvilP 作者: 翻译:heavenk
录入时间:2011-10-09 21:46:41 最后修改时间:2011-10-13 01:07:05

本代的英雄主手武器全部都是Dynasty Weapon,亦即国器或者称王朝武器。国器是聚合点(Conflux)系统的一部分,所以离线模式下无法使用。来源有种三方式,一是从战役中解锁,二是从祈愿神坛中解锁,三是特殊版本和预定赠送。


Angelic Alliance

  1. 『被动』英雄物理力量+3;
  2. 『被动』英雄魔法力量+3;
  3. 『被动』天国护甲:战斗开始时,所有友方生物获得『天国护甲』加持;
  4. 『主动』复活:复活指定的本方单位1600点生命值,只能对尸体使用,一场战斗只能使用一次;
  5. 『被动』强化复活:被复活的单位在随后2回合内伤害增加20%。



The legendary sword known as the Angelic Alliance has been Michael`s treasured possession since the dark days of the Elder Wars. This great rapier, designed for aerial battles, has spilt many a Faceless` blood. Imbued with the purest light from the heavens, it`s also a tool of healing and resurrection.

This incredible weapon was the fruit of the labor of three great Angel blacksmiths. A fierce rivalry stoked them, and each competed to create finer artifacts than the other two. When the Faceless destroyed the Angelic city of Aurarius, killing thousands of Angels, the three blacksmiths decided the time for petty rivalry was past. They united their tremendous skills to forge the most wonderful sword ever seen on the surface of Ashan, a blade that would be radiant like a ray of the sun, piercing and destroying any darkness in its path. They named it the Angelic Alliance and entrusted it to the one who would lead their armies to battle.


  1. 『被动』+3物理力量;
  2. 『被动』迟缓:-5敌方生物主动;
  3. 『被动』悲伤:-5敌方生物士气;
  4. 『被动』生命吸取:所有友军单位吸血15%;
  5. 『主动』蛛网:降低选定3×3范围内敌军生物的2点移动力,持续3回合,每次战斗能使用一次。



The famous Necromancer Aguirre had been interested in the mysterious Namtarus for a long time. After locating a dozen of them in a large cavern near the city of Nar-Ishkun, he observed as the silent, spider-like creatures started building their nest. He soon realized that what he had believed to be a mere giant web was in fact something infinitely more complex and fascinating. The Namtarus were actually building some sort of sundial complete with a long style made of chitin and moonsilk.

Except, of course, it was not the sun that was casting the shadows on the dial, but the dark energy produced by the Namtarus themselves. What this organic clock was measuring was unknown to Aguirre, but he started to suspect the Namtarus were a sort of hive-mind – which meant there was probably a “queen” somewhere. This was the first event that began his life-long obsession with the mythical Mother Namtaru.

Unfortunately, the sundial was eventually destroyed when a rival wizard found the cave of the Namtarus and led a troop of mageswords to exterminate the abominations. The only thing Aguirre could salvage was the style, which later became used as a sword by the Necromancers.

Assassin's Blade

  1. 『被动』致命毒素:英雄攻击的目标受到200点持续土属性伤害,而且无法被使用治愈魔法,效果持续2回合;
  2. 『被动』+5兵种主动性;
  3. 『主动』阴影形态:目标友军单位变成无实体状态,持续2回合,在该状态下可以穿越障碍物,并且受到的物理伤害降低30%,幽魂和怨魂无效;
  4. 『被动』+5英雄天命力;
  5. 『被动』强化阴影来袭:暗影形态下的单位攻击时也造成2回合的10(+指数加成,+数量加成)的土属性持续伤害。




In 528 YSD, Arniel the High Elven King proclaimed himself the unique hereditary monarch and withdrew all prerogatives from local kings. Queen Thuidana chose to secede instead. Taking advantage of the situation, the humans of the Holy Falcon Empire invaded the lands of Thuidana who sought aid from the self-proclaimed High King. Arniel refused. In order to save her own, Thuidana turned towards the Faceless and Malassa in desperation. They were willing to help under the condition that her people vow allegiance to the Dragon of Darkness.

In 548 YSD, the Peace of the New Spring marks the independence of the Kingdom of Dark Elves. The Assassin’s Blade is among the most precious gifts offered by the Faceless. They sacrificed two amongst themselves to bind their essence into the blade and give birth to this sword.

The two souls form the power of the sword: a blade for learning and a blade for killing. Master of Forbidden Lore, the Faceless gave birth to a veritable living sword that keeps a memory of each combat, each victim and each deathly exchange of steel. The nature of the sword itself convinced Thuidana to loan the sword regularly to her assassins so that they might enrich its knowledge constantly. The best amongst them passed the sword between them, year after year, in order to increase its knowledge and transform it into a superior artifact.

Blade of Binding

  1. 『被动』魔法伤害:友方生物造成的魔法属性伤害增加6%;
  2. 『被动』天命力+3;
  3. 『主动』召唤悍魔:召唤33头悍魔加入战斗,一场战斗只能使用一次;
  4. 『被动』魔法力量+5;
  5. 『被动』召唤能力:召唤技能效果提升20%。





When Sarah descended into Sheogh, she approached Urgash, in the form of a powerful Avatar that was lamed during the Mythic Age wars.

Animated by a spasm of malevolence, the Dragon of Chaos clawed her deeply through the heart, but was suddenly overwhelmed by the pure magic of order and sacrifice. Sarah was consumed by chaotic magic and was transformed into something neither Angel nor Demon. Her wings turned ashen and her body started glowing like embers. The laws of time were transcended and the eclipse that was predicted not to occur for several years, suddenly appeared.

As the first hordes of demons began to teleport through gates into the lands of Ashan, Sarah traveled around Sheogh to find a place where she could forge a sword with the claw of Urgash that had fallen from his body. Thus the infamous Blade of Binding was created, that would allow its wielder to control the minds of demons.

Dragon Flame Tongue

  1. 『被动』+3领袖魅力(士气);
  2. 『被动』灾祸:所有敌军生物的幸运-3;
  3. 『被动』+5魔法力量;
  4. 『主动』献祭:所有本方部队恢复初始总量5%的生命值,敌方受到初始总量5%的火属性伤害;
  5. 『被动』强化献祭:所有受到献祭伤害的敌军生物本回合只能选择等待。




In 104 YSD, the Dragon Knights became a secret order and founded the Hidden Houses. Dedicated to the preservation of the teaching of the Seventh Dragon, each of these fortresses is home to a chapter of the order, under the guidance of a unique Commander that consecrates those who are capable of transforming themselves into a dragon.

Each Hidden House disposes, in theory, of its own Sword of Consecration. But there is one, more powerful than all the others, that Sar Badon himself wielded. Since the foundation of the first Hidden House, the sword incarnates two principles that form the precepts of the Dragon Knights: the ultimate duty to master the transformation into a dragon and the submission to authority.

Two centuries later, in 330 YSD, Salienor was the Commander of the Hidden House founded by Sar Badon. Like most of the Dragon Knights, she abandoned her retreat in order to come to the aid of the Alliance against the demonic invasion of the First Eclipse.

Salienor died in combat and the sword was lost. Later found by common men, the sword passed from end to end and was wielded by the greatest warriors of the various races populating Ashan. The sacred sword became known as the Dragon Flame Tongue, a nickname she still bears to this day.

Edge of Chaos

  1. 『被动』永恒之幸:友方生物对所有降低运气的效果免疫;
  2. 『被动』+3物理力量;
  3. 『被动』光明抵抗:所受光明魔法伤害减少40%;
  4. 『被动』+5天命力(幸运);
  5. 『主动』命运之轮:所有敌方生物在3回合内运气-10,所有本方生物3回合内运气+10,每场战斗只能使用一次。




The story of this blade is linked to the life of a Human thief known as Tobias the Trickster. Tobias`s mother died in labour, and Tobias was born a hunchback with only one working eye. The priest of Elrath who witnessed the birth called the child unholy, saying these deformities could only be the mark of Urgash. Mad from the pain caused by the death of his beloved and scared by the boy`s monstrous appearance, his father took the child to the darkestPart of the nearby forest to kill him. As he was about to strike with his knife, an arrow pierced his back, killing him cold. The arrow had been shot by a poacher which had been hunting a stag. What a stroke of luck!

And it didn`t end there. The poacher raised him as his son, and Tobias became a skilled thief. Despite his stooped, crooked demeanour drawing the eye, somehow Tobias never got caught. As time went by, he became more and more reckless. He started worshipping the Dragon of Chaos, believing his luck was a gift from Urgash himself.

After his death from old age, he was reborn in Sheogh as an Incubus. His luck ran dry the day he disputed the title of Champion of Urgash with the Arch-Demon Nebiros. Nebiros dismembered Tobias, keeping only his eye, still alive and bleeding, to put on a sword. This “edge of chaos” would make its bearer lucky indeed.

Iron Feather

  1. 『被动』+3物理防御;
  2. 『被动』华丽羽毛:本方生物对敌方所有消除正面效果的技能免疫;
  3. 『被动』+5物理力量;
  4. 『被动』铁羽:所有飞行单位物理防御+20%;
  5. 『主动』燃烧之光:敌方目标单位在3回合内攻击时受到相当于其造成伤害值30%的反伤。


Shortly before his death, the free-spirited Duke Ishtvan of Griffin became increasingly defiant towards the Angels.

When they offered him a sword – the Blade of Revelation, more commonly known as the Sword of the Griffin – he hung it on his trophy wall and refused to touch it again. Instead, he asked the best blacksmiths of the Duchy to fashion him a new sword. The Iron Feather is the very symbol of the duality of the Griffin Duchy. The blade itself was forged in a shrine dedicated to Ylath, the Dragon-God of Air, while the hilt was crafted in the name of Elrath, the Dragon of Light. The result is an incredibly light sword despite its impressive size. Ishtvan never wielded the sword in battle as he was murdered shortly after it was completed. Since his heirs were more respectful of imperial authority and preferred to use the Sword of the Griffin, Iron Feather was given instead to the cadet children of the family. Even if the blade has served the Empire without fault through the centuries, it remains a symbol of Griffin defiance.

Malathua's Cleaver

  1. 『被动』+3物理防御;
  2. 『被动』钢铁意志:所有友方生物的物理力量和物理防御都不会被削弱;
  3. 『被动』+5物理力量;
  4. 『主动』兽人之怒:本方目标单位可以获得一次额外的攻击次数,持续2回合,一场战斗只能使用一次;
  5. 『被动』强化兽人之怒:受到兽人之怒技能影响的单位无限反击。




The Orcs were created in 330 YSD to fight the demon invasion. Yet, despite their help, they were enslaved by the Wizards. In 467 YSD, the Orcs decided they had had enough. In Shahibdiya, the great chieftain Malathua started the revolt.

Malathua declared that henceforth, the orcs would have nothing to do with the dragons. They would neither worship nor serve.

Malathua led a group of rebels inside the Wizards` laboratories, and found cells containing aberrations – failed specimens still being used for cruel experiments by the Wizards. Enraged by the discovery, Malathua freed his “brothers” and unleashed them in the city, adding a whole new degree of horror to the revolt. This terrible night still haunts the Wizards, earning Shahibdiya her nickname – “the city where magic never sleeps”.

By dawn, The Wizards and their elite Mageswords had regained control of the city and exterminated the insurgents. Malathua himself died, still grasping his bloody cleaver in his hand. But his death wasn`t in vain – many Orcs escaped to the wilderness, and soon the revolt would spread to the rest of the Seven Cities. Years later, Malathua`s son, Kunyak, would continue the fight for freedom.

Perfect Silksword

  1. 『被动』+3天命力(幸运);
  2. 『被动』弱点:所有敌方生物的物理防御减少6%;
  3. 『被动』刀片:所有本方生物暴击造成的伤害增加20%;
  4. 『被动』+5物理防御;
  5. 『主动』完美之刃:目标生物造成的伤害增加30%,同时其幸运+40,持续3回合,每场战斗只能用一次。




At the end of the Mythic Age, Shalassa, Dragon of Water, left the material realm of Ashan as did her brothers and sisters. In abandoning her physical form, Shalassa performed an elemental mutation and shed the sacred water that made up her body. The Elemental Water of Shalassa cut into the devastated lands of Ashan and created a sacred lake whose shores sprouted full-grown trees and blossoming flowers on the dawn of the following day. This event, known under the name of the Great Shedding, gave birth to a traditional ritual still performed today by the Nagas.

The pond has been protected and consecrated by the Naga as a sacred place of retreat where the greatest artisans of their archipelago come to honour the last work of Shalassa. Objects of priceless value have been deposited in the sacred waters as sacrifices. But there was an object destined to Shalassa that was never offered as it should have been, and has become the subject of many a tale. Forged on the banks of the lake, the legendary Silksword required the craftsmanship of six generations of Weapons Masters who pooled all their knowledge and skill to give birth to a blade worthy of Shalassa.

In YSD 130, the Perfect Silksword was finished by the Master Taishi. Eaten by desire and pride, the master could not bring himself to deliver it up to the forgetful depths of the lake and fled with the masterwork. More than four hundred years later, the guardians of the sacred lake are still searching for it, and Shalassa still waits for her sacrifice.

Silksword of the Kirin

  1. 『被动』+5兵种主动性;
  2. 『被动』致冷攻击:受到英雄攻击的目标单位同时进入“霜冻”状态;
  3. 『被动』+5天命力(幸运);
  4. 『被动』麒麟之祝:友方生物移动力+1;
  5. 『主动』神秘波纹:目标单位可以传送到战场中的任一地点,一场战斗只能使用一次。




The Hoshino clan is named after its legendary founder, Daimyo Hoshino. On the third day after the birth of his son, the newborn grew ill. As the boy`s condition grew worse, the Priestesses of Shalassa told the Daimyo his son would not survive the night. Only one hope remained: to take the child to the island of the Spring Spirits before dawn broke. The only way this would be possible was if the fabled Kirin, the fastest creature in the Empire, was called upon.

The Daimyo knew the price: whoever rode the Kirin had to die. Still, the Daimyo didn`t hesitate. With the newborn strapped to his chest, Hoshino accepted the deal. In a matter of hours, the creature crossed the seas that separated the Daimyo from the Island of Spring.

As the first of the sun`s rays grazed the seas, Hoshino laid his son before the Spring Spirits. With great skill the Spirits brought the Daimyo`s son back from the cusp of death. Afterwards, as the Daimyo`s last day passed, he held the child against his heart in order to savor their last moments together. When the sun finally dipped beneath the waves, the Daimyo presented himself to the Kirin, and was instantly dissolved into water. Only his silksword remained, tempered by this great act of courage and selflessness. It is considered a great honor to use the blade, though it is called upon only in times of great trouble.


  1. 『被动』+3魔法力量;
  2. 『被动』生命之力:友军单位的生命值上限提高3%;
  3. 『被动』+5天命力(幸运);
  4. 『主动』生命吸取:对目标敌军单位造成400(+等级加成)点的黑暗属性伤害,然后平均分配给英雄麾下所有受伤的单位用于治疗,一场战斗只能使用一次;
  5. 『被动』强化生命吸取:生命吸取同时恢复英雄10%的法力,一场战斗只能使用一次。



There have been several blades to bear the name Souldrinker during the history of Ashan – all of them are considered dark omens of death and destruction. In a world where reincarnation is a reality, the promise of a soul trapped forever in the cold steel of a blade is a terrible curse indeed.

This particular blade, chaotic in nature, was created from the scythe of an Arch Demon killed in battle, back when these terrible champions of Urgash led his armies. The blade has the power to capture any soul, even a demon`s. It became a prize for ambitious demon lords, and more often than not, their doom, as someone would always find a way to use the power of the blade against its wielder. Fortunately its effect wasn`t permanent in Sheogh, where nothing is predictable. Eventually the soul would be released – reborn as a lowly imp. After a while, the demons themselves became scared of the blade and found it far too dangerous. Only the masochistic demons serving the Overlord of Pain continue to use this double-edged sword.

Sword of the Griffin

  1. 『被动』+3领袖魅力(士气);
  2. 『被动』狮鹫之心:友军单位免疫一切降低士气的效果;
  3. 『被动』+5天命力(幸运);
  4. 『被动』狮鹫之咆哮:减少敌军单位5点士气;
  5. 『主动』狮鹫之愤怒:目标友军单位获得无限反击,一场战斗只能使用一次。



At the end of the Ancient Age, the Angels of Elrath were in a dire predicament: their numbers had been declining for centuries because of their courageous but often deadly exploits during the wars with the demons and their low rate of reproduction. They were facing the end of their race, and consequently, an end to the worship of their Father, Elrath.

The Archangel Sarah searched the broken peoples of Ashan and learned of Human clans that roamed the land waiting for a sign from their patron, Ylath the Dragon-God of Air. Lost in the religious upheaval that had followed Sar-Elam`s ascension to Dragonhood, it was among these scattered and disillusioned peoples that Sarah found the young boy Brian, heir to a clan dwelling in the woodlands of Falcon. These clans were civilized but extremely unruly, full of character and courage. The Angels helped Brian unite them into a single nation dedicated to Elrath. Sarah then asked the Angel`s greatest Weapon Smiths to forge a set of beautiful swords. Each of the seven swords would represent a virtue of Elrath, and be offered to the leaders of the new nation: the Emperor himself and his six Dukes. The Blade of Revelation was given to the free spirited clan of Griffins in an effort to channel their audacity and courage to a higher calling.

Sword of the Wolf

  1. 『被动』恶狼之心:友军单位免疫精神控制;
  2. 『被动』+3物理力量;
  3. 『主动』恶狼之律:一旦启动,交战双方不得从战斗中投降或撤退,一场战斗中只能用一次;
  4. 『被动』+10兵种主动性;
  5. 『被动』恶狼之魂:每回合英雄的物理力量+1。



At the end of the Ancient Age, the Angels of Elrath were in a dire predicament: their numbers had been declining for centuries because of their courageous but often deadly exploits during the wars with the demons and their low rate of reproduction. They were facing the end of their race, and consequently, an end to the worship of their Father, Elrath.

The Archangel Sarah searched the broken peoples of Ashan and learned of Human clans that roamed the land waiting for a sign from their patron, Ylath the Dragon-God of Air. Lost in the religious upheaval that had followed Sar-Elam`s ascension to Dragonhood, it was among these scattered and disillusioned peoples that Sarah found the young boy Brian, heir to a clan dwelling in the woodlands of Falcon. These clans were civilized but extremely unruly, full of character and courage. The Angels helped Brian unite them into a single nation dedicated to Elrath. Sarah then asked the Angel`s greatest Weapon Smiths to forge a set of beautiful swords. Each of the seven swords would represent a virtue of Elrath, and be offered to the leaders of the new nation: the Emperor himself and his six Dukes. The Blade of Justice has been wielded by the Dukes of the Wolf Duchy for hundreds of years. Sarah was able to transform the pack and hunting values originally associated with their totem animal and elevate them to the Elrathian value of Justice. The ruthless Wolf are both bounty-hunters and executioners of the Emperor`s justice.

Sword of Whistlebone

  1. 『主动』天灵之父:英雄的下一次攻击会附带600点的气属性伤害,同时伤害目标临近的单位,一场战斗只能使用一次;
  2. 『被动』+3魔法防御;
  3. 『被动』地灵之母:-1敌军单位移动力(飞行生物除外);
  4. 『被动』+5物理力量;
  5. 『被动』迟缓之风:-10敌军单位主动。




Many dangerous creatures can be found in the savage Pao Islands. Arguably the most dangerous is the monstrous Pao Kai, a cousin to the Wyvern of the northern steppes. Blind but displaying a fierce and vicious cunning, the merciless Pao Kai is feared by even the toughest Orc tribes. In 461 YSD, the population of Pao Kais in the islands was becoming a real threat for the coastal Free Cities. That`s when the Whistlebone family arrived from Stormcliff and proposed to hunt and exterminate the creatures. But the monsters remained a threat, despite the efforts of four generations of Whistlebones.

When Hardy Whistlebone, the last of the Whistlebone line due to an unfortunate fishing accident involving his tackle, was growing old and the Pao Kais were still too numerous, he had the idea of selecting young Orcs, newly arrived in the islands, and training them in the art of the hunt. The results wildly exceeded his expectations. At last the Pao Kais were nearly extinct, the surviving ones either hiding in remote islands or fleeing to the north. The last Pao Kai seen in the Pao Islands was slain by Whistlebone himself, who received a fatal wound during the battle.

A great ceremony was held in his honor by the Orcs and warriors from all over the Pao Islands. The Orcs he had trained became known as the Whistlebone tribe, and carried the legacy of their mentor by fearlessly hunting monsters, wielding the sword created with the jaw of the last Pao Kai he killed.

Batu's Totem

  1. 『被动』土系亲合:释放土系魔法时,有效魔法力量+5,魔法值消耗减少10%;
  2. 『被动』+30魔法值上限;
  3. 『被动』疾速之风:步行单位+1移动力;
  4. 『被动』+5魔法力量;
  5. 『主动』魔力之风:每次对方英雄释放法术时,随机敌军单位受到该法术所消耗的魔法值×10的伤害。



Failed experiments or an aberration, Goblins have always been considered as lesser, degenerate creatures destined for obscurity. In fact, they were viewed with such disdain that they were destroyed by the Wizards who ran the labs within which they were created. One ancient mage named Salim-Sedul, who had a soft spot for the crippled and the underdogs in life, allowed a handful of them to escape. The journey of this first group of goblins is a fundamental part of their own mythology, and is known to the Goblins as “Sedul`s Pilgrimage”.

Batu was actually one of the few surviving Goblins that were part of this legendary odyssey. What Kunyak is to the Orcs, Batu is to the Goblins. After his death, Batu became a protector spirit for the Goblins of the islands, and a short staff was carved in his crude image by his most gifted disciples. It is both a powerful symbol of hope and a reminder that the Goblins and the Orcs are always ready to fight to keep the freedom they so dearly paid for.

Heartrending Song

  1. 『被动』光明魔法:释放光明魔法时,有效魔法力量+5,魔法值消耗减少10%;
  2. 『被动』+3领袖魅力(士气);
  3. 『主动』赛菲尔之声:选中3×3区域内的本方生物生命值回复315/360/415(+等级加成)点,一场战斗只能使用一次;
  4. 『被动』+5魔法力量;
  5. 『被动』强化赛菲尔之声:赛菲尔之声还会使敌方生物失去本回合行动机会,目标受到攻击会驱除效果,并且目标会进行反击。



During the Ancient Age, the Elder Wars saw the Angels launch a merciless crusade against the Faceless. The war devastated the surface of Ashan. One Angel, Sephiel, glorified his name over the course of numerous battles. His exceptional voice carried far beyond the horizon. His songs galvanized the hearts of warriors and soothed the souls of the dying. Like many of the Angels, Sephiel grew addicted to the murderous euphoria of the crusades. At the start, his voice was an instrument of healing. As the years went by, it became lower, and its resonance an awesome instrument of destruction. Walls and armor shattered at the sound of his voice. Sephiel died during a battle when his voice pulverized his own heart.

His voice survived his death and journeyed, for a while, in the form of a wandering spirit that haunted the sites of ancient battles.

The melodious spirit attracted the attention of the Silent Sisters centuries later. Only they were able to approach and appease it, binding it to the staff now known as the Heartrending Song.

Soulreaver Staff

  1. 『被动』黑暗魔法:施放黑暗魔法时,有效魔法力量+5,魔法值消耗减少10%;
  2. 『被动』+5兵种主动性;
  3. 『被动』法力吸取:敌方英雄耗费的魔法值的20%会被充到本方英雄身上;
  4. 『被动』+5魔法力量;
  5. 『主动』时间陷阱:在战斗地图中放置一个陷阱,进入其中的生物会在2回合内进入“时光停滞状态”,接下来2回合推动行动机会,目标被攻击不会驱散效果。



Feared by most, the Soulreaver staff is considered an object of extreme beauty by the Necromancers. The pole is made of Shadowsteel, while the head is carved in the antlers of an elusive Onyx Stag, a creature believed to live both in the material and the spirit world. According to legend, the creator of this staff was one of the first Vampires. He once loved a woman so much that he was unable to forget her long after she`d died. Not even the Namtaru venom could make him forget his lost love.

Every night her ghost would haunt him, but it was not a ghost he could banish or hope to control, for she existed only in his mind.

Desperate to see her again, the Vampire created the staff to travel back in time to before her death. He could not touch her, but he could see her, and as painful as it was, it was enough for him. As time went by, the Vampire spent more and more time lost in the past, and since he had stopped drinking blood, the Namtaru venom started to dissolve him from the inside. As his body was destroyed, the soul of the Vampire was drawn into the staff, where it remains to this day, mourning days long gone.

Staff of Asha's Eightfold

  1. 『被动』+3魔法力量;
  2. 『被动』+30魔法值上限;
  3. 『被动』+5魔法防御;
  4. 『被动』+10魔法值回复速度;
  5. 『被动』魔法专注:该神器的装备者在每场战斗施放的第一个魔法的效果提升100%。



This ancient Staff predates most of the civilizations of Ashan – it is believed to have been created by the Shantiri, whose culture was destroyed duyring the Elder Wars, collateral victim of the destructive powers unleashed by the Angels and the Faceless in their merciless war.

When not fighting to acquire it for its magic-empowering capabilities, many wizards and scholars try to understand what this Staff represents. Most of them agree the six snakes on top obviously represent the six Dragon-Gods. As for the four crystals they hold in their mouths, the debate still rages. A popular theory claims each crystal is for a season. The two snakes located on the lowerPart of the staff could be Asha and Urgash. The crystal they hold together is a mystery – some have argued it represents the balance of Ashan itself, and that Order cannot exist without Chaos.

Staff of Cleansing

  1. 『主动』净化:消除目标友军单位的一切负面法术效果或目标敌军单位的一切正面法术效果,冷却时间1回合;
  2. 『被动』+4魔法力量;
  3. 『被动』污浊之雾:敌军单位造成的远程伤害减少10%;
  4. 『被动』+4魔法防御;
  5. 『被动』法力连接:成功净化一个生物后恢复英雄20点魔法值。



At the end of the Mythic Age, Asha, wounded and cursed with nightmares by her brother Urgash, needed help from her children in order to heal. The only one among them able to soothe her was Malassa, the Dragon of Darkness. The encounter was kept secret, and took place deep within a deserted island amongst the Naga archipelago. While Shalassa brought her sacred waters forth to cleanse and purify Asha, Malassa drained the nightmares from her mother. These nightmares, a reflection of Asha`s agony, became a separate entity, the Mother of the Namtarus.

Alerted by the darkness of this stain, Shalassa, the Dragon of Water, created a sarcophagus in order to contain its blight. This sarcophagus became a Naga temple where, in order to keep the creature from growing, Shalassa inspired the creation of a staff that would regularly purify the nightmarish aura that seeps from the grotto: the Staff of Cleansing.

Staff of Sandro

  1. 『被动』+3魔法力量;
  2. 『被动』尸巫的诅咒:降低敌军生物3%的生命值上限;
  3. 『被动』尸巫的意志:-5敌军单位士气;
  4. 『被动』尸巫的力量:所有敌军魔法防御降低10%;
  5. 『主动』生命转换:为目标友军单位恢复生命,其数值相当于英雄造成的所有伤害的50%,效果持续到战斗结束,一场战斗只能使用一次。




This staff was created by the famous Lich, Sandro, during the first years of the Spider Cult. Sandro was not only a skilled spellcaster but also a talented craftsman and alchemist. All these skills were put to good use to create his own staff, one of the most terrible weapons at the Necromancer`s disposal. This staff was meant to increase Sandro`s already considerable necromantic abilities, making him effectively the most powerful Necromancer in existence.

Despite having been one of the first followers of Belketh, Sandro had his own ambitions, and created a separate current of thought in the Cult. When it became clear that Sandro`s scheming was endangering the stability of the newly-founded religion, Belketh decided to expel the Lich from their ranks, but not before stripping him of his staff.

Sandro`s creation is still used by the Necromancers to this day, but none of them have managed to exploit its powers as efficiently as its creator once did. As for Sandro himself, following his banishment, he departed for parts unknown, and has not reappeared... yet.

Staff of Sar-Aggreth

  1. 『被动』源力亲合:释放源力系法术时,有效魔法力量+5,魔法值消耗减少10%;
  2. 『被动』+5魔法值回复速度;
  3. 『主动』魔法大师:英雄法术的效果增加30%,持续3轮,每场战斗只能用一次;
  4. 『被动』+5魔法力量;
  5. 『被动』强化魔法大师:魔法大师同样作用于友军生物。



Sar-Aggreth was one of the seven Disciples of Sar-Elam. Along with the other disciples, Sar-Aggreth founded the first of the Seven Cities, and for the rest of his long life he became the Headmaster of the very first Academy of Magic. A discreet man, Sar-Aggreth was nonetheless a powerful Wizard. Though he may not not be as famous as Sar-Issus or Sar-Shazzar, he is remembered as a good, if somewhat strict, teacher.

Carved in Unicorn ivory and decorated with refined flamegold motifs, Sar-Aggreth`s staff is assuredly an old and powerful artifact. It sports the wizard`s sigil, the Eye of Sapience. This symbol was later associated with the Academy itself, and is now used by Wizards all over Ashan. The seeking eye enclosed in the cross of eternal life is both a symbol of the search for knowledge and the drive of wizards to follow in Sar-Elam`s footsteps to ascend to a higher state of being.

Staff of the Tides

  1. 『被动』水系亲和:施放水系法术时,有效魔法力量+5,魔法值消耗减少10%;
  2. 『被动』+30魔法值上限;
  3. 『主动』深远的呼唤:召唤一道海浪,造成230点伤害,并将小体形敌军击退2格,一场战斗只能使用一次;
  4. 『被动』+5魔法防御;
  5. 『被动』冰霜堡垒:所有友军单位在战斗开始时受到冰霜护甲的保护,可以吸收225点伤害并使攻击方“霜冻”4回合。




As Asha herself, all the Dragon-Gods have several aspects. Shalassa is no exception: she can be the benevolent sea, the source of life… but she can also be the furious waves of destruction. This second aspect of Shalassa, the Wrecker, is considered to be a heresy in the Naga Empire and its worship is thereby forbidden.

However, it happens that some Pearl Priestesses hear the dark call of the Wrecker coming from the depths of the ocean and are tempted to become its servant. When their heresy is discovered, those renegade Pearl Priestesses are banished from the Naga lands. They become known as Medusae, dangerous creatures living in remote islands and sunken ruins.

While Medusae are known to be solitary, they occasionally join pirate crews, or unite to form small sects dedicated to the Wrecker.

They can then join their powers to summon tsunamis and tempests to destroy merchant ships and even small coastal villages. The Staff of the Tides once belonged to the headmistress of such a cult. The famous bounty-hunter Hamato was hired to find and destroy the cult and beheaded the Medusa leader, claiming the staff as a trophy along with her head.

The Oblivion

  1. 『被动』+5兵种主动性;
  2. 『主动』忘却:目标敌军单位不能使用其主动能力,持续3回合,一场战斗只能使用一次;
  3. 『被动』+5魔法力量;
  4. 『被动』忘却之眩:英雄对目标敌军生物施展的进攻性法术附带眩晕效果;
  5. 『被动』时光匆匆:敌军施展的所有法术效果的持续时间减少1轮(持续时间最多减少到1轮)。



The Blind Brothers, an order of lorekeepers, seers and augurs, were founded by Sar-Antor, disciple of Sar-Elam in 62 YSD. A century and a half later, a congregation of Blind Brothers led a pilgrimage along the path of Sighing, the expanse where Asha replenished the land with her magical breath at the dawn of the Mythic Age. United by the same hope of finding and protecting the Tears of Asha, scattered along the path, the congregation created a powerful staff called Oblivion. This artifact, resembling an hourglass, was capable of masking their pilgrimage from the eyes of their enemies.

Sadly, the artifact had a flaw, and greedy wizards from the Seven Cities got wind of their pilgrimage and found their tracks. Blinded by the desire to acquire the powerful Tears of Asha, the mages tortured and killed the devout pilgrims in their thirst for clues to the precious treasures. Only one of the pilgrims survived. Final guardian of the imperfect magic item, he replaced the sand in the hourglass with ashes from a funeral pyre of his massacred brothers, making it much more powerful. The aura cast through the martyred cinders gives the holder the power of “Forget”, affecting both time and memory. The hourglass that contains the ashes canalizes the essence of “those forgotten” and emanates an invisible barrier around the holder that prevents all intrusions.

Divinations and auguries slide harmlessly off of the surface of this invisible shield.

Thunder Staff

  1. 『被动』天空之力:施放气系魔法时,有效魔法力量+5,魔法值消耗减少10%;
  2. 『被动』+3物理力量;
  3. 『被动』触地:敌方飞行单位丧失飞行能力;
  4. 『被动』+5魔法力量;
  5. 『主动』闪电鞭挞:每回合都会有闪电击中实力最强的敌方单位,造成780/900/1035(+指数加成,+等级加成)点气系伤害并使其眩晕3回合,每场战斗可使用一次。




Orcs of the Pao Islands speak of a powerful spirit they call the Thunderbird, an avatar of Father Sky. According to them, the Thunderbird dwells only on lonely stone peaks, eternally surrounded by stormclouds.

As part of her vision quest, the Shamaness Whaitiri once sought the nest of the legendary bird. Armed only with a paddle to navigate her small boat, she ventured into the neverending storm. She found the lonely rock peak and started to climb. After three days she reached the top. The Thunderbird was there, majestic, yet furious to have been disturbed. It flapped its great wings and the thunderstorm became twice as violent. Whaitiri planted her paddle in the rock, closed her eyes, and chanted a prayer to Mother Earth.

The bird shrieked, ranted and raved, but every bolt of lightning fell on the paddle, sparing the Shamaness. At last the Thunderbird plunged on the young Orc, intending to shred her to pieces with his mighty beak. He never managed to land a single blow, his pecks and slashes absorbed by the paddle. When Whaitiri opened her eyes, she discovered she could no longer see. Such was the price requested by Mother Earth for taming the Thunderbird.

Will of Urgash

  1. 『被动』火焰之力:施放火系魔法时,有效魔法力量+5,魔法值消耗减少10%;
  2. 『被动』+3天命力(幸运);
  3. 『被动』燃烧之炎:造成的火伤无法被治疗;
  4. 『被动』+5魔法力量;
  5. 『主动』火风暴:对5×5范围内的所有部队造成290/335/380点火焰伤害,并且附带眩晕效果,每场战斗只能使用一次。




In 330 YSD, during the First Eclipse, demon portals opened in the heart of the forests of Irollan. The Lords of Sheogh invaded the lands of the Elves, burning every tree, plant, and blade of grass. The devastation of the War of the Blood Moon was sickening. The Elves called their neighbours, the Dwarves of Grimheim, for help. But even the powerful Runepriests of Arkath couldn`t tame the chaotic fire.

After the people of Ashan claimed victory, thanks to the timely creation of the Orcs, the Elves tried to heal the forest. But there was one clearing where the blessings of Sylanna would have no effect. As the forest was reborn around it, this perfect circle remained scorched and burned, marked by the will of Urgash, the Dragon of Chaos. Only the efforts of the druids prevented this corruption from expanding further. One druid finally understood what to do to free the land from this taint.

The druid brought a single branch from Brythigga, the Mother of All Trees, and planted it in the middle of the clearing. Then like venom sucked out of a wound, the nefarious influence of Urgash started to retreat into the staff, blistering its wood and twisting its shape. When the druid`s ritual was over, the clearing was green again, while the staff had become a symbol of Urgash, the dragon eating its own tongue. The druid then took the staff and departed the forest to make sure its powers would not threaten Irollan, never to be seen again.

Sword of the Pirate King

  1. 『被动』+3物理力量;
  2. 『被动』无畏:本方部队免疫减少主动性的效果;
  3. 『被动』+5领袖魅力(士气);
  4. 『被动』准备登舰:战斗的第一回合本方部队士气+10,主动性+5,战场移动力+2;
  5. 『主动』无限朗姆酒:所有本方部队的士气+15,持续3回合;


A proverb says "Where there is water, there are Nagas, and pirates". While they are merciless brigands, guilty of pillaging, looting and plundering, some argue the pirates of the Savage Sea managed to create a new form of society, where all pirates are equals. Pirate crews elect their captains, who in turn sit at the Pirate Council, taking decisions through a vote. The Council is presided by an elected "King", who also acts as the supreme commander of the pirate fleets in times of war. As a proof of his function, the Pirate King inherits a sword, originally forged by the Bloodsmiths of Hammer Fall. The Sword of the Pirate King was thought lost when its last bearer, Captain Rahmah, was slain in battle by the Nagas, but it recently (and quite literally) resurfaced.

Staff of the Netherworld

  1. 『被动』魔法力量+3;
  2. 『被动』虚空通道:每回合从敌方英雄身上吸取2点魔法值;
  3. 『主动』虚空之祸:对目标造成260点的源力系伤害,持续3回合,临近的友军也会受到相同的伤害;
  4. 『被动』缠绕封印:使所有敌方生物的主动性-10;
  5. 『被动』强化虚空之祸:冥府之祸持续时间增加到5回合,每回合开始时可以传染到临近格子的敌方生物身上;


After Sar-Elam became the Seventh Dragon, many of his followers tried to follow in his footsteps and undergo the same perilous journey through the Spirit World, to achieve the same transcendence. None succeeded. Those who survived the ordeal, including his 7 disciples, however acquired great knowledge and wisdom during their spiritual quest. One initiate named Taybah, though, met a gruesome demise on the path of elevation. The foolhardy scholar believed the key to success was to skirt around the Spirit World altogether, taking a shortcut through the Void itself. But as his spirit crossed into the Void, Taybah`s spirit was twisted in a silent scream as it became frozen out of time and space. Simultaneously, in the physical world, his body decomposed in a matter of seconds, to the horror of the witnesses present around him. All that remained of Taybah was his skull. Nobody remembers who had the idea to mount the skull on a staff, creating the artifact now known as the Staff of the Netherworld, but it has always been thought to be cursed. It is said that looking in the skull`s eyes is like staring into the Void.

Sword of Nemesis

  1. 『被动』+3物理力量;
  2. 『被动』+3天命力(幸运);
  3. 『主动』燃烧之心:目标敌军会随机的攻击临近的队伍,造成的伤害+30%,效果持续1回合或者攻击过后,4回合冷却;
  4. 『被动』尘归尘:每当敌方一支队伍被全灭,英雄的物理力量+2;
  5. 『被动』燃烧之魂:目标敌军会随机的攻击临近的队伍,造成的伤害+30%,使目标生物不受失明和心智魔法以及可以导致目标失去行动机会的效果,效果持续2回合,无法被驱散;




In 330 YSD, the forest of Irollan were the theater of many battles opposing the Elves to the Demons. Large parts of the forest were burnt down as the Demons of Destruction laid chaos and devastation on their path. When the Bloodmoon Eclipse was at its full, the largest Demon army ever seen in modern history besieged Syris Lothran, the Elven Capitol of Autumn. In order to force the Elves to abandon their fortifications, the demons started a gigantic fire that consumed the forets and reduced it to ashes.

When the fire died down, the Demons discovered with bewildered eyes that Syris Lothran had been untouched by the flames. Protected by Sylanna`s blessing, the Elves were able to resist the assault long enough for the reinforcements from the other Elven clans to arrive, bringing with them the new creations of the Wizards: Orcs, brutal creatures whose sole purpose is to kill Demons. In a glorious battle in the midst of a fog of thick ashes, the allied army crushed the Demon army. It is said the ashes were animated by a life of their own, blinding the Demons and suffocating them, as if the trees themselves were demanding vengeance. Before the Demons could regroup, Tygal, King of Syris Lothran, led a sortie, charging the Demon leaders. Called upon the spirits of the forest to guide his sword, Tygal struck down the Demon Prince of Destruction.

After this battle, Tygal became wary of drawing his sword, as the blade had become bloodthirsty and vengeful. He would only raise it again two centuries later, during the Second Eclipse. Again, the sword brought victory against the Demons, but at the cost of Tygal抯 life. The desire for vengeance of his sword had won over his reputed wisdom. The sword was lost in the aftermath of the Eclipse, reappearing in various hands in the following years, always at the heart of tragic tales of revenge and folly.

Edge of Balance

  1. 『被动』+4物理力量;
  2. 『被动』平衡之锋:不管英雄使用血系还是泪系能力,其效果都按英雄的当前最高的声誉系等级算,即如果有二阶泪系,那么血系技能也按二阶计算;
  3. 『被动』兼修之道:在战斗开始的前声誉等级×1回合内,英雄可以用一阶的血泪两系职业能力;
  4. 『被动』+4物理防御;
  5. 『被动』兼修之旅:在战斗开始的前声誉等级×2回合内,英雄可以用所有的血泪两系职业能力;





Might and Magic. Sword and Sorcery. This is the Mageblade, a warrior mastering both martial and arcane powers. The Mageblade is a warrior Wizard who channels his spells through his chosen weapon and uses his magic to enhance his ability to strike at his enemies.

One of the most famous Mageblades of recent history was Deras Ban, who after accomplishing many heroic deeds of his own, went on to become a great teacher and mentor for a new generation of Heroes. Born in Al-Betyl, the headquarters of House Eterna, commonly known as the Necromancers, Deras Ban was not a disciple of the Spider himself. Indeed, he was a member of House Chimera, the Crimson Wizards, and entertained a fascination for the martial prowess of the Beastmen, especially the Minotaurs and Rakshasas. He felt the Beastmen had the potential to make great Mageblades, although his fellow Wizards often did not share this point of view.

One of Deras Ban`s lifelong obsession was the creation of a perfect Mageblade sword, a blade designed and crafted specifically to allow better channeling of magic. The Edge of Balance was one of his numerous experiments, but despite being a wonderful weapon by all accounts, ultimately the sword did not satisfy him.

Deras Ban would later offer the sword as a gift to a talented Minotaur student, as a reward and encouragement.

Staff of Crystal Roses

  1. 『被动』+3物理力量;
  2. 『被动』+5兵种主动性;
  3. 『被动』牢不可破:敌方造成的物理伤害减少10%;
  4. 『被动』利安得的决心:本方某支部队的总数少于初始数量的20%时获得『无视痛苦 』能力;
  5. 『主动』懊悔之刺:对目标敌军造成25%其开战以来造成的伤害总值的伤害,最高1000点,或者目标友军其后造成的伤害增加25%,4回合冷却;






Tragic events are often the place where powerful magical objects appear, and the Staff of the Crystal Roses is no exception. In 48 YSD, when Emperor Ronan decided to convert to Elrath, the Dragon of Light, several Dukes of the Empire refused to abandon their allegiance to Ylath, the Dragon of Air. Among them was Tercelin, Duke of Greyhound, who declared his intent to secede from the Empire. The news was not well received by the Emperor and his Angel councilors. As the imperial throne was about to send his armies to Whitecliff to make an example of the rebellious Duke, Tercelin`s son, Leandre, begged for one last chance to convert his father and avoid a bloodbath.

Leandre rode for seven days and seven nights and arrived before the gates of Whitecliff. But Tercelin would not talk to his son nor let him enter the castle. Enraged by his fathe`s stubbornness, Leandre returned with an army, to depose his father and take his place as the Duke. This was the only way, he believed, to save the people of the Duchy from the Empero`s wrath. Leandre offered his father one last night of reflexion. At dawn, the army would storm Whitecliff.

In the morning of the 8th Day of the Month of the White Maiden, as the siege was about to begin, Leandre`s sister, Aelis, appeared on the bridge leading to the castle gate. She asked her brother to turn back and leave their father alone. Leandre shook his head and said he had no choice, for the sake of their people. There are two versions of the story about what happened next. In one version, Aelis stole Leandre`s sword and killed herself. In another, it is Leandre himself who struck his sister.

Tercelin, finally realizing just how far his son was ready to go, surrendered the castle and the Ducal crown without battle. Now the Duke, Leandre swore fealty to Elrath and the Emperor.

Every year, on the 8th Day of the Month of the White Maiden, a lonely bush of crystal roses appear where the blood of Aelis was spilled. This miracle only lasts for one day, reminding the world of Leandre`s resolve and the sacrifices that had to be made in the name of peace.

Nameless Staff

  1. 『被动』+3魔法力量;
  2. 『被动』-1敌方战场移动力;
  3. 『被动』+10%黑暗属性能力效果;
  4. 『被动』无名诅咒:本方部队的攻击可以随机驱散敌军身上的一种正面状态;
  5. 『主动』黑暗回声:使用这个能力后,英雄可以一回合内施放两个黑暗魔法,4回合冷却;






"We are many, and Jorgen is one of us".

This traditional Faceless greeting is a way of acknowledging the fact that the Faceless never use their real name when dealing with the other races. The reason for this custom is unknown. Some have theorized that knowing a Faceless` true name might be a way to controlling him, but other scholars have retorted that this only applies to Demons.

Maybe the reason for the anonymity of the Faceless is actually linked to their Dragon Goddess, Malassa, the Keeper of Secrets. It is said only Malassa knows the secret name of each Faceless. Knowing these names would therefore be the Goddess` divine prerogative. Of course, when asked, the Faceless never give a straight answer, so the mystery remains.

This shadowsteel staff is engraved with ancient runes believed to be the name of a Faceless. Nobody knows how this staff came to existence, but it seems the essence of a Faceless, maybe the very one whose name is engraved on the surface, has been bound to the staff, giving it its Dark powers.

Since Faceless runes are undecipherable anyway, the staff was jokingly nicknamed the Nameless Staff.

Dragonbone Staff

  1. 『被动』+5魔法防御;
  2. 『被动』+3魔法力量;
  3. 『主动』幽魂龙之应:召唤5只幽魂龙,一场战斗只能使用1次;
  4. 『被动』忧伤:敌方部队士气-5;
  5. 『被动』幽魂龙之波:召唤8只幽魂龙,一场战斗只能使用1次;




Even lesser Dragons remain powerful magical creatures, and terrifying foes. It`s no surprise, then, that from the very first days of the Spider Cult, the Necromancers have tried to find a way to resurrect fallen Dragons as their Undead servants. Asha uses all, after all, even her own children!

Unfortunately, their efforts remained unsuccessful for decades, until Belketh, the founder and Great Archon of the Cult, understood the reason for their collective failure. Dragons exist both in the material and spirit worlds, he realized, so to raise such a creature from the dead a Necromancer must first locate and dominate the Dragon`s spirit form. The ghostly Dragonwraith was the result of Belketh`s experiments and the pride of his armies. Belketh even imbued the creature with his own voice and memories, thinking of it as an extension of himsel... until it was destroyed by Sandro.

Despite his great powers, Belketh could not manage to resurrect the creature again, but the Angel of Death was still able to salvage some of the creature`s bones in order to make a Staff out of them. The Dragonbone Staff still retains some of its draconic essence, making it the perfect tool to summon Spectral Dragons ?although they are less powerful than the original Dragonwraith had been.