

EvilP 更新于 2023-06-01 18:33


  • ​​Fanstratics Troop: Lamassu.
  • 兵种介绍:拉玛苏
  • Exotic and mysterious, the Lamassu is a fierce beauty and ferocious combatant. Equipped with a two-handed long sword, she is a flying, lightning-imbued melee fighter. Gifted with an Energy siphoning Enchantment, the Lamassu can transfer Energy between herself and other Troop Divisions. This ability also gives her a greater Energy capacity, along with the added option to evenly disperse accumulated Energy to all Allied Troop Divisions. Not much to say regarding this one. It was easy to conceptualize, and we breezed through the thumbnails, the rough, and the final render. For those who want to see Justin create the drawing, you can always watch a VOD of his Twitch stream.
  • 异域神秘的拉玛苏是勇猛的美人与凶残的斗士。手持双手长剑的她是一个蕴含闪电的飞行近战战士。拉玛苏所具备的能量虹吸能力可以在自己与其他部队之间传输能量。这项能力也让她有着更高的能量上限,并提供一个额外选项让积累的能量可以平均分配给所有友方部队。
  • Fanstratics Question: How will the hero leveling work in FST? For example, in HOMM3, it only takes 3 levels to become an expert in any magic. In HOMM4, you need 15 levels for the same. At the same time, in HOMM3 it is not necessary to know the schools of magic in order to learn the corresponding spells, especially if there are artifacts, for example, a Tome of Earth Magic or Tome of Water Magic.
  • FST问题:FST的英雄升级方式如何?H3里面,你只需要3级就能精通一系法术;而在H4里,你需要15级才能完全精通。同时,H3里你不需要该系魔法技能就能学完该系的全部法术,特别是当你有了对应法术书时。
  • Hero leveling, and associated elements, will adhere closely to the HoMM3 method. After all, FST is a spiritual successor to HoMM3, and I want to keep it simple.
  • 英雄等级和其他元素都接近H3,毕竟FST是H3的精神续作。
  • HoMM3 Question: A small question regarding the development of HoMM3. Was there any specific reason why the message about the grail disappearing when the hero carrying it is defeated? The ultimate artifacts in HoMM2 have that message (and are also excluded from the loot gained by defeating a hero).
  • H3问题:为什么H3里携带圣杯的英雄被击败后圣杯就丢失了?
  • If I correctly recall, this mechanic was created in HoMM2 and carried over into HoMM3. Its goal was twofold. First, was to prevent the ‘passing around’ of the Ultimate Artifact from one Hero to another. Second, was to prevent an ‘abuse’. Specifically, the player would identify a CPU Hero digging for the Ultimate Artifact, then sit by and wait until the CPU Hero had found it. After it was discovered, the player would attack and defeat the CPU Hero, and take the Ultimate Artifact. To incentivize the player to dig, and be the first to find the Ultimate Artifact, the aforementioned mechanic was incorporated into the game.
  • 如果我记得没错,这个机制在H2就有了。其目标有两点。第一,防止英雄之间传递圣杯;第二,防止“滥用”圣杯机制。比如玩家蹲在AI挖圣杯的英雄边上,等AI挖出来就抢过来。游戏的机制还是要鼓励玩家自己去挖掘圣杯。
  • HoMM3 Recollection: MP3’s
  • H3拾遗:mp3
  • 点击展开长文
塞勒斯 回复于 2023-06-06 10:48:
埃尔贡 回复于 2023-06-05 09:42:
 能量 活力
wudevils 回复于 2023-06-02 13:21:
弗拉基喵尔 回复于 2023-06-02 09:03:
